Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sly Smiling

While he was in Emily's tummy Luke went every where she went, but today hospital policy forced Luke over to the Dark Side of the Force as he missed Mass for the first time ever. I took the big kids to Ste. Marie's and later Emily went to Mass at the hospital chapel (thank God for Catholic hospitals). Never fear, Luke came back to the Light Side as we watched Mommy receive our Eucharistic Lord on TV (the hospital broadcasts the chapel Mass).

Update: At 10 PM I figured out why he was slyly smiling at me earlier. It's because he had pegged me as his first target. I thought he was really sweaty...closer inspection revealed that he's getting too big for the hospital diapers.


Teresa and Shawn said...

Welcome, Baby Luke! Congratulations to the whole family. We were so excited to hear your news!

The Rouillard Family

Batch said...

Congratulations to the Ruiz family from everyone at Newforma!